пятница, 16 сентября 2011 г.

places to visit in pakistan::But these mountains are the beauty of the earth as well places to visit in pakistan

places to visit in pakistan places to visit in pakistan::But these mountains are the beauty of the earth as well.
Sky high mountains always inspire the people and are one of the main tourist attractions around the world.
Mountains are changing into tourist resorts and mountaineering is getting attention all over the world.
Pakistan is a very rich country in terms of mountains.
There are highest mountain ranges of the world.
Karakaram is one of the famous mountain ranges in pakistan.
It has four mountain peaks which are eight thousand meters or more higher.
There are fourteen highest mountain peaks in the world out of which five are in pakistan.
K2 is the part of karakaram range.
It is located in the gilgit baltistan province of pakistan.
It is also called godwinaustin mountain.
Readers of this article may have question that why not everest is in discussion.
The reason is that it is easy to climb the everest, but it is very difficult to climb k2 because it has no straight routes to climb.
K2 has the second highest fatality rate after annapurna.
Due to the high fatality rate it is called the savage mountain.
It is interesting that no one has climbed k2 in winter yet.
Climbing history a surveyor thomas montgomerie and his team, who visited the mountain in 1856, suggested the name k2 for the mountain.
The first serious attempt to climb the mountain was made in 1902 by oscar eckenstien and aleister crowley.
At that time means of transportation were not so good so it took 14 days to reach to the foot of mountain.
In total it took 68 days to climb 6525m.
This expedition was resulted in the sickness of the climbers.
The next attempt was in 1909 by prince luigi amedeo who was given the title of duke of abruzzi.
The route they used was given the name abruzzi later on.
Continuous tries and failures discouraged the duke and he declared that k2 can never be climbed.
Another american expedition was started in 1958 lead by charles houston again.
They had to stay at 7800m for ten days which made one member of the team, art gilkey ill who was later on killed.
Finally the mountain was climbed in 1954 by an italian team led by ardito desio.
This expedition included very famous names of mountaineering like walter bonatti from italy.
In 1977 the mountain was climbed second time by ichiro yoshizawa from japan and ashraf aman

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