This area of scotland provides a range of property types, providing buyers with a range of homes to suit all budgets.
Your move is based at 2 queensberry street in dumfries, within the main pedestrian precinct in the heart of dumfries town centre, making us easy to locate.
Dumfries and galloway is situated in south west scotland, and has transport links to the north and south via the m74 and m6 motorways.
It is also the main hub for ferry links to northern ireland with regular services to belfast and larne.
Your move are very active within the local community, having sponsored local events such as squash at dumfries squash club, cricket at dumfries cricket club based at nunholm, football at queen of the south fc, and the scottish rally.
Your move in dumfries and galloway also offer an award winning letting service.
The branch is pleased to be able to offer landlords a range of services, from tenant find packages to fully managed packages.
We have a constantly updated list of prospective tenants looking for quality accommodation.
Scott dunbar of your move in dumfries opened the office on january 5th 2000.
From there your move has grown its proposition throughout dumfries and galloway, and provides a professional service to their valued clients.
Scott dunbar is based in dumfries, and has been in the property industry for 24 years, 15 of which have been spent with your move.
Brian reilly, mortgage consultant based at the estate agency branch in dumfries has been with your move for over 20 years.
Brian is on hand to provide mortgage and protection services.
Your move in dumfries has three additional sales consultants.
Barbara mitchell, chris mccutcheon and stephanie bell between them have over 20 years experience in the industry, with vast local knowledge.
They are readily available to offer professional advice and assist with all your property needs, whether buying, selling or letting.
Scott dunbar of your move in dumfries believes that quality estate agency is more important than ever.
Alternatively, call in and have a chat with one of our professional staff or send us an email.
All of the your move available properties can be found on our website, along with further details on our comprehensive range of services.
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