воскресенье, 18 сентября 2011 г.

amitriptyline dosages::In any case, i added way to much permaganate, and the solution turned black when i attempted to dry it amitriptyline dosages

amitriptyline dosages amitriptyline dosages::In any case, i added way to much permaganate, and the solution turned black when i attempted to dry it.
They know so much method but do not recognize a drug for what it is i am the exact opposite of this full of wonder and questions but never the right answers.
She just looekd at it and said wow.
Soon enough, i smelled something sweet.
She suggested potassium permaganate, so i chucked some in.
I turned around and grabbed a chick who was in my organic chem class, and asked her say, what do you use to oxidize amitriptyline dosages a secondary alcohol if dichromate doesnt work?
Well shit, this is uncool.
I extracted the ephedrine and then added potassium dichromate solution.
As all things go in organic chemistry, this required a few tries i was coming up with a novel synthesis of my own.
Combine this with the fact that ephedrine is none other than nmethyl cathine, and it becomes amitriptyline dosages obvious: one simply needs to oxidize the hydroxyl group of ephedrine to a keytone to produce methcathinone.
One day, by chance, as i was looking up the amitriptyline dosages entry for phenpropanolamine, the active ingredient in dexatrim, i noticed that one of its isomers was sometimes called cathine.
I could find no other references to the compound.
All i had to go on was that it was made from ephedrine, and that it was named methcathinone.
I decided to amitriptyline dosages look into the matter methcathinone sounded like speed.
I guess it all started when i heard about a new drug craze that had just been detected in michigan by the local authorities.
Lesson 4: there are other, much mellower substances to partake of than calamus.
So, i spent most of the night cradled around the porcelain god.
And i barfed, barfed, barfed, and for amitriptyline dosages a change of pace, i vomited.
However, to my chagrin, at around 3, i felt ill.
I just wanted to warn everyone about this particular herb.

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