воскресенье, 18 сентября 2011 г.

amitcpip::I suggest if you buy or are buying one without it saying it has a floppy, download these programs from aminet amitcpip

amitcpip amitcpip::I suggest if you buy or are buying one without it saying it has a floppy, download these programs from aminet.
I have a feeling you got what i got though.
It said all that stuff.
I guess too much stuff mounting in the startupsequence eats up your ram.
And i am guessing.
So i used a cheap old old ftp program.
New ftp progs do internet lookup when you start them usually.
You should make it bootable.
Make sure the ftp is running and open to new connections on your pc.
Try from another pc unless you have lots of experience setting up ftp.
And you do not have to use a text editor for this.
Boot with the floppy.
Then run pcmcia driver.
Double click on pc in that left half of the screen.
Double click hd0: or hd1: or df0: or wherever you want to save to.
So put all the files your transferring into 1 folder and do all your organization on the amiga.
I just have to find a web browser for amiga now.
I hope this helps!
Note: probably any further problems can be debugged from the ftp server program on the pc.

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