пятница, 30 сентября 2011 г.

black carpet beetles::The black carpet beetle is the most commonly encountered and economically important of the carpet beetles black carpet beetles

black carpet beetles

black carpet beetles

black carpet beetles

black carpet beetles::The black carpet beetle is the most commonly encountered and economically important of the carpet beetles.
Its common name comes from its typical allblack color.
This species has been cited with respect to allergic responses in humans.
It is found throughout the united states, but more commonly east of the rocky mountains and in the northern states.
The beetles are elongateoval in shape with the head more or less concealed from above.
The larvae are light brown to black, carrotshaped, and tapering towards the rear.
They are covered with golden brown to dark brown hairs laying flat on the body.
From the rear end protrudes a long tuft of brown hairs that is nearly as long as the body.
Damage and signs of infestation.
Infested fabrics typically have much surface damage and holes here and there, but larvae can cause large irregular holes in material.
Furs have the hairs cut at the base but no damage to the hide, giving the hide a bare appearance, and no webbing present.
Larval caste skins are often present.
The larvae may burrow through packaging materials when seeking food.
Eggs hatch in 5 to 16 days.
The larva pupates in the last larval skin and pupation last 6 to 24 days.
Black carpet beetle larvae are general feeders on both dried animal and starchy plant materials.
Animalorigin materials include hair, fur, feathers, hides, horns, carcasses, and dead insects, and they can be found in bird, rodent and insect nest.
Plant origin materials include cereal, stored grain, nuts, seeds, cayenne peppers, various meals, and processed foods, such as flour.
On fabrics, larvae tend to surface graze but are quite capable of making small or large irregular holes.
On furs, they cut the hairs at their bases and leave the hide undamaged.
The larvae may burrow through packaging materials to get to the contained food.
The adults are found outside and active during warm weather.
They are found on flowers, particularly in the spring and especially on spiraea shrubs, often eating the pollen.
They can also be found in the nests of birds, rodents, and insects such as wasps, and around spiders.
Inside, adults are often found at windows during the spring.
Other food sources and breeding sites include rodent baits in attics, crawl spaces, and basements, wasp and hornet nest in attics or under eaves, bird nests built in or outside against buildings and light fixtures containing dead insects.
The larvae tend to wander about feeding here and there, and can be found far from the primary infestation.
The adults are attracted to light upon emergence from the pupa, but shun light after mating.
The larvae avoid light as well.
The key to controlling black carpet beetles is to find the primary sources of infestation and eliminate them.
Besides the obvious woolen carpeting, clothing, furs, fabriccovered furniture, and stored products, it may be necessary to check for the more unusual sites such as listed above.
The thorough inspection should be followed by good sanitation practices, pestproofing measures, and pesticide application by a professional, when required.
Exposed beetles, larvae and frass can be removed using a vacuum cleaner fitted with a hose attachment.
A rottler technician will seek out and expedite removal of all visible, accessible breeding sites for black carpet beetles.
black carpet beetles::I have been doing extensive research on bugs as
my tiny condo is infested black carpet beetles

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