суббота, 17 сентября 2011 г.

amit sengupta::He has been active in organizing poor, agricultural workers, activism that continues despite a 2006 attack that cost him both of his lower arms and his left leg amit sengupta

amit sengupta amit sengupta::He has been active in organizing poor, agricultural workers, activism that continues despite a 2006 attack that cost him both of his lower arms and his left leg.
He had just been campaigning for a national agricultural labour rally to be held in in january.
He was suddenly waylaid by a gang of seven men, suspected to be sent by jaswant and niranjan singh, the current and former headmen of his village who have links with the party.
One of them brandished a revolver to prevent any resistance while the other six set upon him with iron rods and axes beating him to pulp.
He was left for dead, and a phone call was made to beant singh, a leading man in jhabhar, to pick up the dead body.
However, bant singh was alive, though barely.
He was first taken to civil hospital in but was not given proper treatment there.
Then he was taken to the at , where both lower arms and one leg had to be amputated since gangrene had set in by then, and his kidneys had collapsed due to blood loss.
The doctor was eventually suspended for his conduct.

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